At first glance, "Tamed Jackalope" might just sound like a quirky name, but there’s meaning behind it. The jackalope, a mythical mash-up of a jackrabbit and an antelope, is the perfect symbol for what we do.
We take bold, creative ideas (the wild side) and pair them with smart strategy and execution (the tamed side) to build brands and websites that are as functional as they are beautiful.
Because good design isn’t just about looking great, it should help your business grow, attract the right clients, and make you more money.
A Mythical Name with a Purpose
What the F*ck is a jackalope?
Some things about me:
Brand strategist, creative director and mom of four. I took the long road to get here, from flipping sneakers on eBay to running a six-figure e-commerce brand to now helping other entrepreneurs elevate their businesses online. I get what it’s like to juggle all the things, and I know firsthand that a well-designed brand and website can make running your business so much easier.
I also believe that good design is more than just pretty aesthetics. It should work for you—helping you attract the right clients, increase your prices, and grow your business effortlessly.
Hey there!