A great lead magnet is only effective if people actually sign up for it. That’s where your landing page comes in. A high-converting lead magnet landing page captures your audience’s attention, clearly communicates the value of your freebie, and makes signing up a no-brainer. If your current landing page isn’t converting as well as you’d […]
Showit VS. Squarespace, how does each web building platform stack up against one another?
How To Use Google My Business To Book Out Your Venue Google My Business or GMB, is a business listing that lives inside of Google and shows up in map results when you search for something in Google like “wedding venue near me” This is an invaluable way of showing up in front of potential […]
Being productive as a work at home business owner with four kids underfoot. I have been a “mompreneur” for almost 7 years now and with four kids under my belt I know just how hard it can be to look back on the day in the evening and feel like you got much of anything […]
Did you know you can do more than just sell products and book clients on your website? Even if you’re a product based business! There are almost endless ways to generate income from your website and chances are you are already familiar with 2-3 different ways that a website can make money, but I’m willing […]
Pastel Highlighters $9.99 • Desk Mat $18.99 • Matcha Green Keyboard $76.99 • Headphone Stand $24.99 • Pencil Holder $11.49 • Concrete Lamp $77.61 Some office finds I’m obsessing over!